“As an artist and author, I find that my sojourns are converted into allegorical images or stories when I return to my studio. Images and stories that reflect the way experiencing life has embedded itself in my senses and every sinew of my being. Thus, both explore the edges of philosophical longing. I strive to make them meditative and soulful… modern, yet somehow ancient… universal in expression, yet deeply introspective… with an inner strength that is often wrapped in dreaminess.” Lee Musgrave
Lee Musgrave’s art has been featured in solo and group exhibitions internationally and he has been honored with a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship. His work is in the Washington Arts Commission, Art In Public Places Collection and the City of Portland (OR), Portable Works Collection as well as in numerous private collections (click Exhibition History & Related Bio for more info).
Lee and his wife, Heidi, live near White Salmon, Washington. His studio has lots of hiking trails nearby. “Time, memory and the joy of discovery are the central motifs of my work. They are my muse and provide boundless inspiration. I am intuitively compelled to explore how life and the universe are continuously defined by them,” states the artist.
Lee’s art and writing is not only concerned with how we relate to time, memory and discovery, but how we are inseparable from them. Working with both semi-representational and abstract expressionist plus Techspressionism images, it is this broader conversation that keeps evolving in his thoughts and artwork.
He has multi fluency in painting, drawing, digital Techspressionism, photography and creative writing. The evolution of his creativeness has advanced through a sequence of “Series” in all these mediums. Though his conclusions vary, his social and aesthetic core holds steady in each Series. Rich in terms of reference, he favors spontaneity with a blend of insightful expressionism. Presented in Paintings/Drawings, in reverse chronological order, is an overview of some of those Series. A sampling of his most recent Photography and Techspressionism are on their pages. For those interested in cutting edge art and technology check “Techspressionist Salon #19 – Gregory Little & Lee Musgrave – June 8, 2021” on YouTube. It presents an overview of Lee Musgrave’s early photo-based computer altered abstract Techspressionist art.
A monthly log of his art activities can be viewed by clicking on In Studio above and be sure to find out about Lee’s creative writing as author of Brushed Off, and its sequel Off Kilter. Both romantic suspense novels are set within the contemporary art community of Los Angeles plus check his newest novel The Beautiful One. To read recent 5-star reviews about the books and to discover how to receive free related gifts just click on Books & Short Stories above. Lee Musgrave was at the 2022 Los Angeles Times Book Festival and had a great time meeting readers. He was also invited to the 2023 Men of Mystery event in Long Beach, CA. “I enjoyed meeting and talking with book lovers plus appreciated being invited to debut my newest novel The Beautiful One, a romantic thriller set in 1912 Cairo and Berlin, to all the attendees.” Lee will be at the Northwest Fun in the Sun Book Festival, July 19, 2025, at Fort Vancouver, WA and at the NW Garage Book Festival, April 19, at Clark County Fair Grounds, Vancouver, WA.
A live interview with Lee Musgrave on the Mid-Columbia Today Show (Hood River, OR) can be heard online at www.gorgeradio.com/?pg+18138. Host Marti Dane talks with Lee about what inspired him to write Brushed Off and the sequel, Literary Titan Gold Book Award winning, Off Kilter. If you would like to sample some of Lee’s creative noir writing, his short story Saunter Without Shadow is available FREE on www.spillwords.com.
There are many more of his art images available from each of Lee’s art Series’ than are shown throughout this site. Should you wish further information about an individual painting, drawing, photograph or Techspressionism print… or should you desire to view more works from a particular Series just send an e-mail to: lee@leemusgrave.com.
His artwork and book signings are also posted on Instagram: leemusgrave_art; Facebook and lensculture.com.
© Lee Musgrave 2009-2025. All rights reserved. No images or text may be used without permission of the artist.